a clean room

okie dokie, so i am going to do a blog about the virtues of keeping a clean room, i know what you are thinking, why the heck am i doing a blog about that?!? well, you see i had no idea what to do my blog about, so i asked my dad and he gave me that, so im going along with it because i really have nothing else to talk about! and i do have to admit, my room was pretty messy, because of school and chores around the house, i don't really have time to clean my room, i mean its not like i can tell my cat to do it, now granted, that would be pretty cool, but we all know that it is impossible. but anyways my room went from looking like this, to that yesterday!!! no, im just kidding, it did NOT look that bad, i just pulled those off of the internet! ugh! imagine if my room was really THAT bad!!!! ugh1 i dont eve to thinn want about it! but anyways, when i have a messy room i get and trouble, just like any other kid out there, so my advice to you all..... KEEP YOUR ROOM CLEAN!!! ((and i really do hope that your room does not look that bad!))
Ha, it's scary that some people's rooms DO look that way!