1.) i love when you give us projects
i like reading novels
i like group work
2.) i would change reading all the boring poems
i would change the essay word counts
i would change how we cant read on our own
3.) i learned about making a thesis statement
i learned all the vocab words
i learned how to write a proper essay\
4.) i loved "when things fall apart" because of how descriptive the story was
i liked reading the hills like white elephants because it was a role play i was in
i liked Antigone because of the role play that i was in as well
i did not like the masque of red death because it was boring
i did not like the epic of Gilgamesh for the same reason
5.) yes my teacher was always there when i had a question or needed an example
of something. she doesnt need to be more helpful, she is perfectly fine
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
songs you should listen to
OK so these are going to be some songs that i think you should listen to Mrs Del currto, and if you don't like them then that's OK, just give them a chance k?
- runaway love - ludacris and Mary j. blige
- meet me half way - black eyed peas
- stand by me - Ben E. King
- departed - brandy
- mean girls- Rachel crow
- put your hearts up - Ariana Grande
ok i cant really think of anything else right now, haha those are just songs that are catchy to me haha, so yea! that sums up my saturday
Sunday, November 11, 2012
so i have to stay after school for algebra tutoring
so i have to stay after school i have to stay and get tutoring because i took an algebra test and didn't really do good on it so Mrs Mondragon is going to help me learn everything on the test and then once i feel like i know it i am going to retake the test again and hopefully, get a much better grade on it. so this is what i will be doing for the whole rest of the week everyday after school until 5:00..... ya for me!!! i guess. well yea what else do i have to do for algebra, um, well i suppose i can do a whole rundown on how i am going to go about doing this. so the bell ( or the music) for the end of the day will go off and then i will say goodbye to all of my friends, then i will proceed to walk back to the algebra room and walk straight to the phone on Mr. Barbour's desk and type in my fathers number and i will wait for a few second while he answers and then i will let him talk to Mrs. mondragon and she will tell him that i really am staying for tutoring and then they will hang up on both ends and i will go find a spot and sit down and take out my writing utensil and my algebra test and go over and sit with Mrs. mondragon and get help on all the questions and then it will get dark because of the time change and then my dad will arrive at 5:00 and take me home :)
the end
the end
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
ok this food that i am eating
OK so this food that i am eating is really good, my mom made it and it tastes really quite delicious, ha ha OK so yea, i am typing this and eating at he same time, and i am also eating a glass of water. with ice cubes in it ha ha OK whoa whoa whoa, wait, i did not mean to say eat the glass of water, i meant drinkingggg a glass of water, ha ha with ice cubes. OK so anyways, i know that i named this blog " OK so this food that i am eating" but i don't really know what else to talk about that involves my dinner for the night, so i suppose i will just talk aboutttttttt, food. ha ha OK so my favorite food is clam chowder, its my comfort food really, and i will tell you why, when my mom and my dad split up, she kept on taking my dads hard earned money and spending it to her own use. so my dad and i basically lived off of soup, and i always had clam chowder, and you would think that i would hate it because i had to eat it 24/7 but its kind of my comfort food, it reminds me about how my new life is so much better then what it used to be, because when i eat that soup, i remember all those hard times and then realize that if i really wanted to i could go eat something totally awesome and yummy, so it makes me feel sad yet happy at the same time.and my favorite snack is grapes, i absolutely love grapes, they are just so delicious and amazing, and my favorite kind of grape is the green ones and i love when they are the extra big ones and then you bite into it and its like amazing awesomeness in your mouth haha.
my moving life
OK so i am going to tell you about my moving life, which just means that i am going to tell you about all the places that i have moved to and what they were like. OK so i was born in Clarksville Tennessee, i of course don't really remember what it was like there when i was born because i don't really remember what it was like, as no baby really remembers when they were little babies. so yea then my dad got stationed in Puerto Rico, in Roosevelt roads, which was the naval military base. i really only remember the base, how there used to be a big hill that lead to my school and there was a paved sidewalk on the hill going down that we would ride our bikes on to get to school. so one day my step sister jennah had rode on ahead to go see her friends so i had to face that darned hill all on my own. maybe i should rewind, OK so i was deathly afraid to ride down this hill because it was steep and i was afraid my bike would crash, so i would always just walk my bike down the hill. OK so when my sister sped on ahead of me i was worried she would leave me so i wanted to catch up to her. so i finally decided to just go down the hill on my bike, and guess what happened?I crashed!!!!! i was so terrified of crashing that i actually made my self crash, i was going down that hill so fast that i freaked out, and tried to slow down and my feet could stop the bike pedals, so i tried to step off, which was really stupid and my foot skidded on the ground and made me fall and crape , my whole right side on the pavement, and i had to walk to school crying and my clothes ripped and blood seeping through, i even remember my teacher and the nurse calling my dad while putting bandages on the worst parts. so yea and i also remember this restraunt that was down a very long road that was going down through a golf course and i remember that they had the best meat and rice, i also remember that my sister and brother and i would go outside and find the golf holding stick things. then i also remember that there was this play ground right by the beach and i used to love it so much. OK yea this is getting really long so i don't want to keep writing, ha ha, OK well have a good day Mrs. Del currto, bye ha ha.
My Dad and I
so my dad and are like this *crosses fingers*. we have been ever since i was born really, i guess i was his little girl and im deffinitley a daddy's girl, no doubt about it. he taught me how to ride a bike, and went with me to my first day of school, hes been there for my first boyfriend and my my first heartbreak, hes been there for my first roller coaster ride and my first Christmas, my first nightmare, my first birthday, hes been there for everything really. and i love him for that. i guess the only real explanation for why he has been there for everything is because my mom left when i was three years old. my moms name was star and to be honest i don't really know what she looks like anymore, i only really know what she looks like from what my grandma has told me,m because she lives down in Ohio with star even though they don't talk anymore, because of something that has happened, which i am really not going to tell you, because even though im telling you some things, that doesn't really mean that i can tell you all of it, because all of this is personal. but i trust you, OK? so yea, my dad kept me after my mom left and went back to america with her new boyfriend that she was cheating on my dad with! and to be honest she didn't really fight for me, she just left, and my dad didn't even not let her see me, he let me fly to Ohio every summer for a week or so if i member correctly until one day she did something that she was not supposed to do, and when my grandma came to get me after a day that they figured out that she wasn't letting me go back. which i of course did not know at the time because i was still a little girl and couldn't really tell. so yea, my dad and i are really close, and im sorry if i got off topic, but yea i don't really want to talk about this anymore, so goodbye and good day
OK so you probably didn't know this about me but i love to sing. i really really love to sing, like a lot, i wouldn't really say it is my passion but i love that feeling when you can just hear a song and just open your mouth and the lyrics will just fall out beautifully and perfect and you don't have to worry about it coming out wrong or if you sound bad or if you are singing the lyrics wrong, because you just know that you are a good singer, and i do not mean that in a bad way at all, like not conceited in any way, im just telling you one of my secrets. i dint really tell anyone, the only one that knows is my step mom and now that doesn't even matter because we aren't really talking anymore. but that is beside the point. so yea, i really like to sing, the song that i am singing now is What I Did For Love, have you ever heard that song? i am singing the glee version, not the actual original, i like to sing a lot of the glee songs.
my favorite season
my favorite season is winter because it is snuggling and cuddling season and lots a kisses because its cold and you have to get all close so why not give a kiss or two! and its also the time for him to give you his jacket because you might be cold, and alsooooooo, it is the perfect time for you to take pictures kissing in the snow and put it as your background to your phone or laptop and what now. nut i mean come on who doesn't love to take pictures??? i know i do ha-ha!!!! OK so anyways, other reasons i love winter is because you can snuggle up by the fireplace with that special someone with a cup of hot chocolate and also you can snuggle up on the couch when its snowing outside and watch lady and the tramp or something ha ha so ya i guess the one big reason that my favorite season is winter is because its the season of lovveeeeeee. ha ha i also love winter because winter means December and December means christmas and we all know what christmas means!!! presents!!! haha so yea i suppose that those are the reasons why i love winter as my favorite season
Monday, October 22, 2012
my five rules
my number one rule
1. absolutely no rules
2. no one will tell me the rules
3. do not listen when people try to tell you the rules
4. break rules
5. disobey everyone
aha, this inst really true, because if it was i would get in serious trouble haha
Friday, October 19, 2012
sitting in the house
im sitting in the house, ya! what a day, nope not really
i want to go to Cleveland game, but no one will go with me
my dad is sleeping, my mom is doing homework, and grace is sleeping
my brother is at work, and my dogs, well their sitting by the back door weeping
im sitting here writing blogs because there is nothing else to do
i want to see Lauren and my boyfriend, but my my dad will only let me see one of the two
guess who?
so i made dinner, potato soup, its actually pretty good
but now i have to clean the kitchen, ya! nope not really
i guess i can clean my room, but who wants that? nope not me
i could take a bath and listen to pop music, but i think ill wait till later
i still need to vacume but i guess you could say im stalling
i want to make dessert to, but not really, it takes to long
i guess it sounds like im complaining which i guess i kinda am
but wouldn't you if you were sitting here doing nothing on a Friday night?
but i guess you probably have plans, your old enough to go clubbing, lucky you >.>
you could go to a party, and do whatever grownups do
maybe your like us teens, and want to go to the mall and movies
well anyways, im bored now, so i guess ill go away
i want to go to Cleveland game, but no one will go with me
my dad is sleeping, my mom is doing homework, and grace is sleeping
my brother is at work, and my dogs, well their sitting by the back door weeping
im sitting here writing blogs because there is nothing else to do
i want to see Lauren and my boyfriend, but my my dad will only let me see one of the two
guess who?
so i made dinner, potato soup, its actually pretty good
but now i have to clean the kitchen, ya! nope not really
i guess i can clean my room, but who wants that? nope not me
i could take a bath and listen to pop music, but i think ill wait till later
i still need to vacume but i guess you could say im stalling
i want to make dessert to, but not really, it takes to long
i guess it sounds like im complaining which i guess i kinda am
but wouldn't you if you were sitting here doing nothing on a Friday night?
but i guess you probably have plans, your old enough to go clubbing, lucky you >.>
you could go to a party, and do whatever grownups do
maybe your like us teens, and want to go to the mall and movies
well anyways, im bored now, so i guess ill go away
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
sitting in the hospital
this is a poem i wrote with my dad sitting in his hospital room
the floors are dull red,
the walls are boring,
the sweet life, yea that's what it is,
the room is warm and the bed is comfy,
but nothing compares to home sweet home,
the foods OK, but home cooking's better
room service day and night, yet hardly a hotel
the nurses are nice, yet a little nosy,
my bed reclines, wow that's awesome,
the highlight of my day, yea no, not really
the t.v works, but its getting kinda boring
oh well, guess ill take a nap,
until the nurses wake me up to poke and prod
yep, its the life, nope,
not really
the floors are dull red,
the walls are boring,
the sweet life, yea that's what it is,
the room is warm and the bed is comfy,
but nothing compares to home sweet home,
the foods OK, but home cooking's better
room service day and night, yet hardly a hotel
the nurses are nice, yet a little nosy,
my bed reclines, wow that's awesome,
the highlight of my day, yea no, not really
the t.v works, but its getting kinda boring
oh well, guess ill take a nap,
until the nurses wake me up to poke and prod
yep, its the life, nope,
not really
Friday, October 12, 2012
i am so hungry right now, my stomach is growling all bad, but im to comfortable to get up ha ha i know i know, im lazy sometimes, but i mean come on who isn't? i love to cook actually, just sometimes it doesn't come out the way i want it to. ha ha so im not exactly the greatest cook, but when it does come out good, im pretty proud of myself ha ha. hmm, i think my favorite breakfast is an egg casadilla, wow i probably spelled that wrong but oh well, you know what i mean right? so anyways, its two tortillas and cheese on one tortilla, and then you make three eggs and break the yolk right when you put it in, then cook them and then put them on the tortilla that has the cheese and then put the other tortilla on top and then eat it and enjoy ha ha, i guess i just gave you a little cooking lesson right now ha ha but yea you should try it cause ts amazingly delish!!
ok so my sister is in town
OK so my sister Jennah is in town and thankfully she didn't bring her boyfriend, because nobody really likes him, like we tried to get along with him, but he never talks around us, and yea, hes kinda disrespectful and hes not that attractive either. so anyways, she came into town, because she lives in las crusces and she used to go to the college there, but then she flunked because she was to involved with her boyfriend, and my mom and dad were not to happy about that at all. soooo yea. she is 20 years old, well she will be turning 20 this November. i show much i forgot when though, i just know that it is in November ha ha. shows how much i know :P!!! so anyways, shes gone now, she left yesterday and shes probably happy shes back because my step mom gave her like a huge lecture about what shes doing with her life and stuff, soo yea and i dont really know what to talk about anymore, sorry but blogging was never really my thing, it kind of bores me so yea, bye mrs. have a nice day
this show im watching
so this show im watching is about these kids who live in this really small town in Washington and there all witches, and wizards of course cause there is guys to. so they have been waiting for this girl named Cassie to arrive for a while and Cassie didn't know that she was a witch until she came to that town, and because she showed up the circle is complete and now like all of there powers are even more powerful then before because she was the huge part of this. so one of the witches dad killed Cassie's mother in order for her to come to the town to live with her grandma, which i think is pretty messed up but two of the parents of the witches are planning something but nobody knows what it is yet because its only like the third episode that i have watched ha ha. so i will be sure to keep you informed on what will happen, so yea have a nice day mrs.
i dont know what to write about
OK so i don't know what to write about so i'm just going to talk about a relationship that i am in, so this guy i started dating a little while ago is really awesome, and he is really nice and sweet, he gives me makeup texts every morning and they seriously make my day, i wake up and instantly start smiling and blushing and blushing and i get butterflies in my stomach, that's how cute those messages are. he was really nervous about our first kiss and i admit i had to make the first "move" but it was a really good first kiss, he has like the best lips, ha-ha this is weird that im telling this to my English teacher but i figured that your not one of those old un-fun teachers that the kids don't like, your actually pretty chill Mrs. D!!! ha-ha and there is a few guys i know that like you ha-ha, but they know your taken ha-ha and a lot of people think that your husband is pretty chill to, i like his little hair flippy thing he had going on the day that we were waiting for the bus to arrive. well thats it for now soooo yea, have a nice day
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
you can not get kangaroo
Okay, first of all I am going to write this as an argument to Ryan because you can not have a kangaroo even if you move to Australia! first of all isn't a kangaroo the Australian animal? soI thought you couldn't keep it as a pet because its illegal, and its just like the roadrunner here for new mexico, if you tried to capture or kill it you would like go to jail or something along those lines. so anyways I don't want to talk about this anymore because its not interesting, so im going to talk about my dad. so apparently my dad is going to Utah this weekend for one of his survival classes, and therefore he is going to miss my birthday. so my step mom has decided that I don't get any of my presents or get to celebrate my birthday at all until this next wensday on the tenth because my dad will be back by then and my sister apparently is coming in to town that day to! so now I have to wait for a few more days, which I am not so happy about, because I have been waiting forever to get my new jeans. there skinny jeans, and I've wanted them like for forever now, my dad has never let me wear them before so now i finally got some, and I want to wear my new shoes too! ugh that makes me angry, and my moms friend is coming down this weekend to and they have to sleep on MY bed and stay in MY room.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
blog #8
OK, so this weekend i finished my book, the yearling! the ending was so sad! OK, so first. they went to do the Christmas shopping in volusia. then when they got home, the new baby heifer was gone, they discovered that it was old slew foot! now penny is really mad and he has made up his mind that he is going to kill him whether he misses Christmas or not! so Jody decides to go with him, and he brings flag along, but flag ends up missing towards the end of the hunt. they end up killing old slew foot, but then they realize that they have no way of hauling the 500 pound bear! so they either have to go back to the house which is a long ways away, or they can ride up to the town which is about the same distance, so they start walking towards the road and the foresters show up!!! so the foresters help them haul it back on there own horses and then they have enough time to go to the Christmas doings in volusia, where penny's wife is at the time, with grandma hutto. when they get back to there house Jody starts to panic because flag is not there, so he calls out a few times and flag comes running from the forest. then they all go to the Christmas doings, when they head toward grandma huttos house its on fire!! so grandma to a decides to move to Boston. so at the end, flag is now a yearling and hes getting into the crops and his ma inst so happy about it. so hes told to take him into the forest and tie him up and shoot him!!!!!!!!!!!!! so Jody takes him to the foresters house to see if they will take care of him. but they wont. so he leaves him in the forest but flag ends up going back. his ma sees flag in the fields and she gets super mad and tells penny. so penny tells Jody off and tells him to tell his ma to come to him. so Jody goes to his room and he can here mumbled talking and that's it. then a few seconds later he hears a gun shot and runs out, and flags leg is gone! so he grabs the gun from her and yells at both of them, penny and his ma, then he runs off after flag and puts him out of his misery! so all in all flags dead and jody runs away after that, but then he comes back. the end!
Monday, October 1, 2012
why i do not like blogging
i do not like blogging because it it not very satisfying and i just don't like it, its not very entertaining and i don't see why you need to read about what we are thinking about, to be honest. so anyways, this weekend is my birthday, on Saturday. im turning 15 and i am so excited, i got sprunch spray, cause i ran out, new awesome mascara two pairs of shoes, one pair is really expensive and they are so cute, they are like Indian shoes, i think, if you want to say that, and they have a leather strip woven in and out of them near the top, and it comes out in a little leather bow in the front, the inside is a creamy white fur, and its exactly my shoe size, and not to be stingy but they look GOOOOOD on me haha sorry, but it never hurts to be confident. and then the other pair of shoes are winter boots, and they are black, oh the other pair are black as well, but anyways, the boots are black, and they are made out of woolen fabric, and they have silver tinsel going all around them , and they have a grey bow coming around to the front, and then i got two pairs of really cute skinny jeans, they are a dark blue and they fit nicely and i have my whole outfit planned out for Saturday, im going to wear one of my new jeans, then im going to wear a black tank top that is from forever 21 and it has a black silk slip on the and side, and a white netted design slip on the front, then i may wear that black cardigan that i sometime wear here. then my black indian shoes, my hair all sprunched, with a black and white bow, and my new makeup!!!! AND... a smile haha so ya!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
i dont even know
It’s a new dawn a new day, whoa, that’s from a song, ha-ha, I think I heard that on glee, or somewhere else. Ahhh! I know it but every time I try to think of it I can’t remember! Oh! I remember, ok, it’s not from glee, its Michael buble! I’m feeling good, by Michael buble, I hope I spelt that right. Ok, what to talk about today. Yesterday we talked about our cat (my cat) gabby. Hmmm, we can talk about ty. I believe I mentioned her in my last blog, how she and gabby were barking at each other! Ty was a black lab, with a mix of humongous heart! She cared for each and every one of us in that family. I remember that ben, my step brother would lie down to read a book or something and he would use ty as a head pillow. She never minded, she would loyally stay there and sleep and wait for ben to get up, or if she really was too excited or something she would move. She used to stick her whole head in her water bowl and blow bubbles! I am not even joking, 0one day we were all outside and like barbequing or something, and we here water gurgling and we look over an her whole head is in the water bowl and bubbles are coming up! But unfortunately and sadly, she died about a year and a half ago; she’s buried out back in our yard under a pine. Every day when spring comes around I will take kalli to the yard and place fresh pretty flowers on her grave. She was buried with her favorite blanket and her favorite bone that she never got to finish.
my life
Ok, today I’m going to tell you about my family past, like where we have lived and what we have done. Well, I was born in Clarksville, or maybe Nashville Tennessee. Then my dad and I went to live in Puerto Rico, were we lived for a few years on the base in Roosevelt roads. Puerto Rico is where he and my stepmom met. My step mom already had two kids, ben and jennah. Then we moved to California, were we live in Manteca I think it was, I may be wrong. Then we moved to Tennessee, in Nashville. Then we moved to Elko Nevada, and then we moved here! My dad is really into survival stuff, so we go up into the mountains a lot. We went on an Alaskan cruise last summer, it was the best ever! We have also been to las Vegas a lot this year because of my grandpa. He was very ill for a long time, he died in august. Whenever we are gone my dog always stays at my mom and dad’s friends Adam and eliah. Kalli always has friends to play with when she is at their house, there’s the pit bull the Chihuahua and two cats
OK, so the book that i am reading right now is new moon, form the twilight series. i have already read them like literally 10 times. i just love those books! there so addicting! im hoping for my b day i can get the last book, which i don't have, and the complete set of all the movies. i reallyyyyyyy want to see new moon and breaking dawn. i want to see the movie breaking dawn the most because i want to see Bella as a vampire! and i want to see her baby, and i want to see Jacob imprint with Bella's baby! i want to see when she gets really mad and attacks him. i want to see her and Edward together as both vampires!!!! i reallllyy want to see that movie, real bad!!! so i am at the part where Bella and Edward and his family are trying to figure out who was in her room, and took some of her stuff. they think that it might be somebody who was sent by one of the three members of the volturi, since he does not like Bella. of course i already know who it is!! but im not gonna tell you! that would ruin the story, so until i write again.......
Friday, September 14, 2012
keep holding on
OK, so the book that i am reading right now is new moon, form the twilight series. i have already read them like literally 10 times. i just love those books! there so addicting! im hoping for my b day i can get the last book, which i don't have, and the complete set of all the movies. i reallyyyyyyy want to see new moon and breaking dawn. i want to see the movie breaking dawn the most because i want to see Bella as a vampire! and i want to see her baby, and i want to see Jacob imprint with Bella's baby! i want to see when she gets really mad and attacks him. i want to see her and Edward together as both vampires!!!! i reallllyy want to see that movie, real bad!!! so i am at the part where Bella and Edward and his family are trying to figure out who was in her room, and took some of her stuff. they think that it might be somebody who was sent by one of the three members of the volturi, since he does not like Bella. of course i already know who it is!! but im not gonna tell you! that would ruin the story, so until i write again......
betty white
OK, i am going to do a blog on this funny super bowl commercial. it has bitty white in it! i love Betty white, she is so cute and funny, shes like a hilarious 20 year old in a 50 year old lady. i especially liked the movie, proposal, or the proposal, i don't remember the exact name. i loved how funny she was, when she was like, heres a special baby making blanket! in every movie she is just so AWESOME!!!!! I LOVE HER! OK, so anyways, this commercial is funny, it has a whole bunch of cute guys playing football in a park or somewhere, and Betty white is shown going for the ball, then this guy TACKLES her!!! so she gets up and one of her team mates is getting mad at her. and hes like "your playing like Betty white" and shes like, "that's not what your girlfriend said!" so then Betty whites "girlfriend" is like here, and hands her a snickers bar, and then Betty white is magically a cute boy! : ) ! oh my gosh, i love her so much!!!!!!!! she is so funny and sweet!
the beauty in life is everything. my family, my friends, the people who care for me, living in a country that doesn't have any wars, having clothes and shoes, water and food, just everything in life that is beautiful, and great to have. how do i stop wanting all the awesome things in life? i just say to myself and walk away form whatever it is that i want. if i want a shiny new car, but i know that i probably wont be able to keep up the payments, then i will realize that and come to my senses, and instead, go over to maybe a used car dealership, even though its not really what i want, its the right thing to do.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
the awesome video
mondays forgotten blog
OK so this Monday, i am going to do a blog about a.n.t farm, the show, i like that show, its a kids show ( i think) but its something i like so who cares! so any ways, this show is about these three best friends who met in the A.N.T fram, and no its not an actual ant farm, its an Advanced Natural Talents program. and its like 10 or 13 year old ( im not sure) but they all have a cool class room that they can hang out in in between classes. and its a cool little classroom to, each student has there own place, like chyna, who is the main character, has a little recording studio and Angus, who is a computer nerd, has his little computer work station, and Fletcher ( and not our Fletcher ) has a little lace for his paintings because hes an advanced artist! and olive, well she doesn't really have a work space, shes there because she has a photographic memory, and is therefore really good in school and is the brain of the group, that's really all the main people in the group, oh and some other main people who are not in the ant program, are lexxi, who is a cheerleader and is popular, and then there is paisley, she is extremely out of it all of the time, if you ever have seen the show you would understand, then there is principal skidmore, ho is a mean and selfish principle, shes the worst, then there is Gibson, who is really out of it to, and he ALWAYS wears striped clothes, and once again if you have watched it before you would understand, and he has a jewfro, and if that offends you, then im sorry, we used to always call them that. so that's basically it.
Hapsburg empire, Charles v, Philip II, absolute monarch, divine right.
- Hapsburg empire- included the holy roman empire and the Netherlands
- Charles V - was the ruler of the Hapsburg empire
- Phillip II - expanded Spanish influence, and and strengthened catholic church, and made his own power absolute.
- Absolute monarch- a ruler with complete authority over the gov. and the lives of the people.
- divine right- the rule came directly from god
Monday, September 10, 2012
that seventies show
OK, so i am going to talking about that seventies show, i love that show. its amazing. i think my favorite character is kelso, he is just so funny, he has no awareness of what is going on around him half the time, and he is the funniest character on the show! well, fez is funny as well, he is an exchange student at the school. then there is Donna, shes a very thick and tall girl that Eric likes. Eric is a small skinny nerd boy that always does what his parents ask or tell him to do. then there's Hyde, Hyde is a bad trouble maker who's goals in life is to do nothing and smoke weed and such. then there is Jackie, she is a very preppy and girly and stylish girl who uses her daddy for his money. the two sets of parents are kitty, who is a tiny women who is Eric's mom, her husband is red, who is a very strict and sarcastic man. the other set of parents are midge and bob, now let me just say that they are the stupidest parents! and also quite perverted, if you have ever watched the show, you will know what i mean! they are like really gross perverted hippies!oh, and then there is Laurie, she is a slut, and sorry if you take that offensive, but im just telling it as it is, and its not like its in real life, that's how the director wanted her to be seen as.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
tele tubbies
OK, so i am going to do a blog about telly tubbies. THEY ARE FREAKING SCARY!!!!!!! : 0000000!!!!!!! they are the weirdest things on this planet! i absolutely loathe them!!they are sooo creepy!!!!! and the vacuum is probably the weirdest thing on that show! its just so creepy! and what is with the sun that has a laughing baby face on it! i mean seriously, they are supposed to make shows about fun and cute stuff for the little ones! not shows that will have them waking up at 3:00 in the morning screaming there brains out! not only do the kids get scared to death, but there parents get no sleep! look at that! that creepy baby! i wouldn't be surprised if i get nightmares tonight because of that thing!!-.-!!! that baby looks Chinese man! his eyes stare into your soul, he just has this look like, IM GOING TO HAUNT YOU or something! ugh! i have to stop talking about this, its creeping me out!
a clean room
OK, so today i am going to put a blog on about a video that i watched, OK so i watched this video with charice singing with celine Dion, it was just so emotional, i loved it, of course charice did most of the singing, but it was so emotional! she dedicated that video to her mother for being there for her, her mother was crying in her chair, i would love to dedicate a song to my mother or father, i would be crying and he would be crying, and i don't exactly know what song i would sing to them, but im sure i would figure that out if it ever happened! you should watch it if you want of course, just go to you tube and type in charice and celine Dion and it will surely come up. ok so i am going to do another review in this blog because it is not quite long enough.so the next video that i will be reviewing is beyonce singing with charice, her hit listen, i personally like that song, and have memorized every single lyric, that song is emotional to if you can really relate to it, and i can. its basically just a video with beyonce and charice singing the song together, and of course they do it extremely well, which of course was to be expected, hmm i wonder if jay-z and beyonces baby will be able to sing? i mean i don't see why not, both of her parents are singers, well jay-z is more of a rapper, but beyonce has a beautiful voice, so i don't see why not, i bet they are wondering the same thing.
a poem i like
School can be fun,
School can be boring,
School bring friends,
School bring enemies,
School can bring rules,
But do you break them.
School brings bullies,
School brings work,
School brings cheating,
School you learn a new thing or two,
School you try your best,
School you never give up the test,
School have teachers you might like or hate,
School where you meet people new and old.
But education is most important choice of all.
Don't you agree?
School can be boring,
School bring friends,
School bring enemies,
School can bring rules,
But do you break them.
School brings bullies,
School brings work,
School brings cheating,
School you learn a new thing or two,
School you try your best,
School you never give up the test,
School have teachers you might like or hate,
School where you meet people new and old.
But education is most important choice of all.
Don't you agree?
zakyr davis
i like this poem i can really relate to it. school does bring good friends, but it also brings bad enemies! it seems like that has been happening a lot in this school, well not exactly to me and they are not really enemies, just not friends anymore, there is just so much drama in this very tiny school that is is amazing! i think drama is worse here because it is so small that when something bad happens either the whole school hates you or is on your side
OK, so, today's Monday, yaaaa! no,hing yout no, just kidding, Mondays are never awesome, unless we don't have school, then its wonderful. i mean seriously, you have a wonderful three day weekend, then the next thing you know, your waking up at 6:00 in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then you have to go to school, then you have to do work, then you have turn it in ,then the day ends, then you get home and you feel much better now that your not in school, then you remember, OH CRAP, I HAVE HOMEWORK!!! then your stressed again, and you do your homework, then by the time your done, your tired so you go to bed, and then you have dreams about missing work and your parents yelling at you, so your dreams are about school, then once again, your waking up at 6:00 AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
baby come back!!!(glee)
OMG! im dying here! i cant watch glee! i want the third season to come out already!!!!!! i cant keep watching cake boss forever! i mean i like watching buddy make the cakes and everything, but it gets old after a while, i mean like, every cake he makes hes always like, "when i put more fondant on this cake, it really comes to life". or , "this is the best cake yet!". the only thing that changes is the cakes! oh, and buddy's sisters, OMG! they are so annoying!!! so the weekend of the 31 i have to go to the sedder supper, or whatever its called. bletch. but Ms elia is going with us, shes never met my grandma before, we all want her to , we know that grandma honey will like her, grandma honey is actually glad that she is going to meet her. and im also probably going to be with my couisn Halley the whole weekend. Halley is like my sister, we were born at the same time, we lived together for two years we shred rooms, we went to school together, we've grown up together, we always see each other, she is my sister from another mother, hahah. and last time i was down there (THEY LIVE IN LAS CRUSES) we went out with her friends, two guys and like four girls. we went to the movies, then did some other stuff that i cant mention, hahah, then we went to krispey kreme donuts and got free donuts (its a long story) then we walked over to chilies and shared a chocolate cake and drinks. it was a pretty fun nght, oh and we gave a homeless dude a donut hahahahaha, good times!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
number 2
if i could go back and give advice to anybody
if i could go back and give advice to anybody it would be me, i would go all the way back to my first day of school and tell myself how easy it really is if you just try. i was always a bad person in school and i always got bad grades and i always contradicted my teachers and didn't do anything ever. my parents tried everything. they were even about to put me in a boarding school! so last year i got in real trouble, so my parents brought me to this school, which i wasn't very happy about at all!!!!! but the option was either this or military school in Roswell or some other military school in the us, just as long as i got better at school. and it wasn't even school either, it was my life, i could guarantee that i would end up in juvi if my parents hadn't helped me.
number 1
tell me about something that happened in your life that changed you
so something that happened that changed me was that i came to this school, before like you might have read in my other blog, i don't remember, but anyways, this school changed me. i used to go to Cleveland high school, which was a huge school!i was more involved with my awesome social life!!! and yes i did have an awesome social life, i had an awesome best friend, her name was alexis barn castle, she was amazing, we always shared our clothes and our shoes, cause we had the same shoe size, and everything. i had an awesome boyfriend and we were real happy till he played me!!! which i will not speak of at all cause its a private matter. i had awesome friends who were all pretty much like cholas and cholos as you may seem as gangsters or whatever you want to call them, but one day my dad got real mad at me for something but anyways now im here
Monday, August 20, 2012
my weekend
this weekend on friday i went to kealeys house. do you remember her? little shorty who switched out on the second week? well anyways i went to her house on fridaty and spent the night. we went to the mall and "shopped" if you know what i mean by shoppedat the mall. we went and got a dr. pepper from the food quart but i eneded up setting it down in forever 21 while i was trying things on and i guess a store person came and picked it up before i could get back to it in time. so we just went to dairy queen and we both got yummy smoothies, then we went home and we skyped her bf and then went to bed. then we went swimming in her pool the next day and we watched a scary movie and then i went home and fell asleep.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
he turned the knob and opened the door. to his horror he saw.....
he turned the knob and opened the door. to his horror he saw..... his parents killing his little sister with a butcher knife!!!! he watched them stab her 20 times each!!! then as he watched in complete horror they pulled out a noose and hung it up in the rafters then they pulled his sister by the hair and hung her neck in the noose and left her there and all because she dint clean her room!!!!!!
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