Monday, March 25, 2013
last weekend
this weekend, we took Logan (my little nephew) down to see his great great grandma, and Ben and grace got to go with us. and my dad wasn't able to go though, he is on a trip, but my mom went. we took the new R.V that we got, and left around one on Saturday, we stopped for Starbucks of course before we started. then when we actually got on the highway, it was so windy that it was crazy, like i was sitting in the back, and there was times where i would feel it rocking and think that we were going to tip. but i got used to it after a while and it wasn't that bad at all. Ben grace and i sat in the back on the couches, and sherry was driving with Logan in his car seat on the seat next to her. and i got to see my grandma, so it was awesome
breast milk is better than baby formula
and this picture is baby formula, and i think its just gross, its processed food, its just starting your kid out at a young age if you ask me. and anyone who is reading this and is getting mad or something, i mean no offense.
Monday, March 18, 2013
OK so, i want to talk about the book that we are reading in English, its called Night, and its by Eli Wiesel, i hope i spelled that right.... so anyways! its about a boy who lived in a little town and then all of a sudden the Nazis move in and take him and his family to Auschwitz camp, and then his whole life is turned upside down! he is separated from his mother and sisters, and him and his father go to Auschwitz and endure the greatest hell that they have ever known. when they arrive they are forced to leave all of their belongings and then take a disinfectant bath and take a shower and then discard all of their clothes and then stand out in the cold and wait for a few hours on barely any food. and then from there they are beaten and yelled at and made to work like crazy. at the very end, the red army moves in and they are forced to run many miles to the next camp without rest, at the end of that ordeal, Eli ends up losing his father and then he is rescued in the very end by the red army and is finally freed. many of the freed prisoners eat as much as they can and sleeps with girls and does whatever they want. and if i was in their shoes, i would eat till i was beyond full too, and then i would take a hot shower, and get warm clothes, and then get the hell out of there as fast as i could!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
kids and marriage
when i am older, maybe around 25, i want a kid. and i want a boy, i really really really really want a boy. and no im not a weirdo, i just think that having a boy is so much easier. they don't care what they wear, you don't have to buy a whole bunch of stuff for them. you don't have to worry about them getting kidnapped or raped. you don't have to clean your gun when there girlfriend comes over. and they don't have a lot of drama. and when i have a boy i want him to be Mexican and i want him to have one dimple when he smiles with his pearly white teeth and is going to be tall, but not a scrawny kind of tall, i want him to be a muscular kind of tall. and i want him to be athletic and have a nice girlfriend when hes old enough to have one. and he is going to be very handsome. :). and yes i know that that probably inst going to work out exactly like that, but that's just my teenage dream. and when i get married i want to have my wedding in a nice place. im not exactly sure on where i want it yet. but i want a beautiful wedding, with a beautiful dress and hair and makeup. i want every girls dream wedding. and on my honey moon i want to go to paris and stay in a wonderful hotel and go site seeing and just have the time of my life, and i want to stay there for a month before we go back home :). this is the wedding dress that i want, and the wedding cake, and the shoes and the hairdo.
A person
once upon a time, there was a person, and his name was Agent P. he worked with aliens for a living, and he loved his job. one day in new mexico, he was being called in to a job at a school called Ask. he had never heard of the place before, but supposedly a lady had called in with a report that said that she was walking by this school and when she looked over, she saw green goo oozing out of the windows and was concerned so she called into the Blue banana. (the blue banana is the origination for that Agent P works at, its an under cover name). When Agent P arrived there really was green goo oozing out of the windows, and it seemed to be glowing. he stepped out of his car, and he smelled the most awful smell that he had ever smelled before in the Alien business. he ran around to the back of the car and opened the trunk and picked out a laser gun and a net gun, that through nets out of the tip to capture the aliens. once he had these he ran to the front door of the school and opened it wide, and to his astonishment, the students were aliens!!! they were red and had green goo dripping from there mouths!!!! he stepped forward and grabbed one of the aliens, when he turned it around, he found what the problem was. they were eating Dr. Blurbs candy!!! now, before we go any further, Dr. Blurbs was an evil alien villain that made little candies for human kids to eat that turned them into fake aliens as long as they were eating them, and what he did, was make the candy last forever in their mouths using galactic science. so, Agent P went back to his car and got his safety gloves that were invincible and then reached into each kids mouth and removed the candy. once all of that was done, he removed there memories and took all of the candy away. well, burned it is a better way to say it :D
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
if i couldnt do the things i love
what i love to do, is ; listen to music, eat, dance, shop, read, and talk. there is a lot of other things that i like to do, but these are the things that i do a regular basis. If couldn't listen to music, i would never be able to get ready in the morning, or do my homework in the afternoons, and on my free time i love to listen to music. after three days without music, i would probably turn into a vegetable and then the sun would turn me into dust. if i couldn't eat, i would of course DIE!!! maybe i would just liquify all my food...... yea, NO! if i couldnt shop, i would outgrow my clothes like crazy, and i would wear out of date stuff. if i couldnt read, i wouldnt learn. if i couldnt talk, i would go crazy inside my head and then eventually die.
Monday, March 11, 2013
it is always important to hold onto memories. when we have memories we hold on to the precious things in life. and things don't last forever, but your memories do, and you can always look back on those memories and laugh, ponder, or cry. the extremely precious and special memories are with someone that you love, it could be your dad, your husband, or boyfriend, or any family member, ANYONE, that you love. because those are the memories that out a smile on your face, and mean the world to you. of course, not all memories are not great, or make you feel happy. there are memories that will break your heart AGAIN when you just think about them, because thinking about them, makes you replay those sad moments in your head, causing you to never forget. also, we do the crazy wild crap now, so when we are old and sitting around knitting, we have something to laugh and be happy about :D
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
article from EBSCO abstract
In this article, nurses and the sterilization experiments of Auschwitz, there is a lot of information and horrible details of the tests that were preformed on women, in order to sterilize them. the experiments were known to be very painful, and from an insiders opinion, it took two whole weeks just to be able to go to the bathroom and work again. there were prisoner women who did not have to undergo the experiments, but that was only if they were nurses. the nurses also helped the prisoner women when the doctors didn't know. the women who where living experiments for these such atrocities, lived in a place called block ten. the windows of block ten were boarded up and the woman stayed there after going through the dressing and the cleaning when they arrived. this area, or the building block ten was a much cleaner and comfortable, and had better and more plentiful food. There was also living areas for the doctors wife and children. the women prisoners who lived in block 10 also did not have to go outside for the role call that lasted up to three hours at a time. when the woman were done being sterilized and experimented with, the doctors would order them killed just to get an autopsy on them so see what the experiments did.
Monday, March 4, 2013
the upside down house (wonder works)

warm coziness
OK, so i really like to be warm and cozy, and right now i wish that i was at home and in my bed sleeping. well, first i would eat something, probably rice and soy sauce because that's my favorite meal, next to clam chowder. and i know, your probably thinking that clam chowder is gross, but its really not. and i like it for the weirdest reason. so, when my dad and i were living together, and it was just us, we ate clam chowder a lot. and i was always happy when i ate it because i was with my dad, and i had a full stomach and it tasted really good. so anyways, back to the original topic, i have always wanted one of those four poster beds, because whenever i watched like Cinderella and sleeping beauty, they always had four poster beds because they were princesses. and they always just looked really comfortable. i have a queen bed in my room, but it doesn't have a curtain or posters. and if i had a four poster bed, it would have to have a curtain, because they always seemed classy, and stuff. and the bed would have to have really fluffy blankets and even fluffier pillows, they aren't allowed to be stiff horrible pillows, i like it when my head sinks into a pillow!!!! i suppose I wouldn't really be that picky about the color, just anything that caught my interest, and of course matched my room. i also like the idea of it being circular, i just like the idea of it, it would seem like it would keep the heat in, and when i say this, i mean that the bed would kind of be in the wall, like built into the wall.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
3/4/5 blog
i hate people, they are so annoying. all they do is judge you, and bring you down, and make the wrong assumptions. people just dont understand how to leave me alone. im serious. i don't do things just to purposefully make them mad at me, or put a label on me. im done, im so done. everybody just needs to get a life, and stop finding little things to judge about. its literally like they are looking for something to complain about, or to make somebody mad
Friday, March 1, 2013
if i could be an emotion, i would be happy, because i love being around happy people. and it makes me happy too. i would always have a smile on my face, because i would be happy. i would never let anything get to me, because i would be happy. nobody would ever be unhappy around me or at me, because i would be happy. i could help people feel better, because i would be happy. and nobody would ever be bored when they went and hung out with me, because they would be happy.
breaking dawn
OK, so in the first movie, Bella becomes pregnant, and she almost dies, but Edward bites her all over turns into a vampire. and then the Jacob imprints on renesme, and then the movie ends when Bella opens her eyes. i really wish that they, as in the producers of the movie, should have put at least one part of her being a vampire, before it ended. they just showed her red eyes and then the movie ended.
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