Tuesday, February 26, 2013
you really think that celebrities in magazines are hot, cute, or sexy? think again
ok, so we all know that celebrity woman are pretty, but you only think that because you see them in the magazines, and they are perfectly flawless, and beautiful, almost out of world beauty, it doesn't seem real right? well, your right, it isn't real! and have you ever seen celebrities without makeup on? well, prepare to be amazed, and don't get me wrong, there are really pretty celebrities, even without makeup. OK so this first picture is of Cameron Diaz without makeup, and in my opinion, shes not that pretty to begin with, and to see this? tsk tsk! and then there is Katy Perry and i almost cried, i always thought of her as so beautiful! but this just is not right! and then Katherine heigl is still all beautiful even without makeup!!!!!
i don't like teachers
i don't like teachers, i think that the world would be so much better if there was no teachers. and, if there were no teachers then we wouldn't have any school, and without school, we could stay home, and eat, and sleep, watch movies, text, talk, and actually have a life. school takes up to much of our time, and its annoying. think of all the other things that we could be doing if we weren't in school. when we were little, we used to be fascinated by the outside world on a school day, like if we didn't go to school because your parents let you stay home, or if you have a doctors appointment, and we used to be fascinated by it, just the thought that its a school day, and your not in school. but now, i have done that to many times to really care anymore
Monday, February 25, 2013
blog for last friday+
OK, so for this blog, im going to put the weird outfits that people like lady gaga, nicki minaj, and willow smith wear out in public. and seriously, you guys, there was only one person who could ever pull that off, and it was MADONNA. OK? Madonna is the queen, not you. i know, that's kind of harsh, but come on, you know its true. ok, so this is a picture of nicki minaj, and the first thing you notice is her hair. i think they call it the beehive haircut? im not altogether positive, and then there is her heels, i think there a mix of dog, and squirrel, haha. here outfit itself isnt as bad as some of her others, but its still weird, and just a teeny bit to tight, dont you think? haha. ok so the next picture is of willow smith, and i cant really say that she looks bad, because she can seriously rock this outfit, but if someone like me or you tried to wear this, then i think we would look just a bit funny, haha. but she really does look good in it. ok so the next picture is of lady gaga, and this picture is just crazy, i mean seriously? a meat dress? are you trying to be attacked by wild homeless dogs? and cant you get sick or something from that? or is that just when you eat it? AND, seriously gaga? if you wanted a snack during the awards ceremony, you could have just bought a pretzel -.-. and now, the last picture that you have all been waiting for, the queen of pop, MADONNA.
OK, so people don't get it. and its difficult, and i don't even know why im trying to explain this, because i don't even get it myself. well, anyways, i suppose i should just change my subject, because i don't want to try and explain this to you. OK, so, dinner, that's a good start. so last Friday we celebrated my moms birthday, even though her birthday is on march 5, and my dad bought her the best birthday present that she has ever had. so, about five years ago, we went to something that's called a mogfest, and its technically just a whole bunch of four by four vehicles that get together, and do exactly what they were made for. so at that mogfest, there was a little pond type thing, and in that pond type thing were craw fish ! and i have to say, craw fish are absolutely amazing!!! and there hard to forget, which is probably why my mom has loved them, ever since we had it, and has been wanting more. so my dad, specially ordered crayfish from Louisiana!!! can you believe that? and mannnnnn, was it delicious! and yo get whole potatoes, corn cut in half, and sweet onions, and we had sausage with it to, and it was sooooo gggoodododododoodododoooodddd!!!!
blog for Thursday
ok, so for this blog, i am going to talk about weird hairstyles, and one of them is Miley Cyrus's new haircut. well, its not technically new, but still, imma talk about it.so, im not sure exactly why she got this new hair cut, because her natural hair is freaking beautiful, i would love to have her hair, and it was so long!!! now, i didn't really like her blonde hairstyle from Hannah Montana, but it was better then this new hairstyle that she has. i wonder what her dad and mom think about it, and her guy. i bet you money that they don't like it anymore than we do. if she makes any new movies, our anything like that, then she better wear a wig or something, because i wont watch it if shes not. so, lets show you what her hair looked like before, and after. OK so the before picture is so beautiful that its crazy, and it lowers my self confidence, haha. can you believe that she was that beautiful, and then she just ruined everything????? the after pic makes my eyes hurt, im mean seriously, why? why, would she do this? and blonde? seriously girl? what is wrong with you? well, i guess its really not my place to criticize, it really only matters that she likes it. who cares what people like me think right? well, happy days Miley Cyrus.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
super heroes are all fake!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013
why to hate valentines day
reasons why to hate valentines day, i hate valentines day because its just so awkward i mean everyone who isn't single is all lovey dovey, and all that. and it just makes it awkward for the other people who have to sit by them in class, watching them be all cute and cuddly -.- !!! and then you just start feeling sorry for yourself by the end of the day... which really just ruins your confidence. well, anyways, Brandon gave kealey and i roses, so its all OK now, hahah. but still, its just awkward and then its awkward when you do actually have a valentine, because i think that the whole gift giving is awkward. which i suppose doesn't really make sense, but for me its still akward. oh, and did you hear about how russia has like an annual conception, or like make love day or something? i know, it sounds fake, but its real, you can even look it up if you dont believe me. and the governor gives out gifts for people who have children on Russia day, on June 12.
Monday, February 11, 2013
nail art

OK, so there is this site, and it is called HTTP //www.nailnerd.com, and it is the best place for ideas and to look at cool nails. my madre, showed me this nail art video with a small bowl of water, and you get nail polish colors that you want, and they have t be good nail polish, not dollar store nail polish. so when you have all the nail polish colors that you want, you put a drop of the nail color onto the water, wait for it to spread, then add the other colors, and you can repeat as much as you want. once you've done that, put tape around the nail so it is easier to clean afterwards, once you've done that, get a tooth pick and swirl the design, just a little bit, and then put your nail onto the paint in the water and blow for 10 seconds, then after ten seconds, twirl the excess paint thats in the water onto the tooth pick, then take your nail out and remove the tape, and you have a beautiful design!!!!and you can look tutorial videos up on line as well, if my instructions arent good enough :) oh yea, and dont forget to paint your nails white first :)
What if you could see in the future
Thursday, February 7, 2013
weird guy at wal mart
horrible piercings!!!

3D tattoos!!!!!
ok, so for this blog i am going to be writing about 3d tattoos, because i think that they are really awesome!!! haha. ok so this is a leg tattoo that i really like, i had this on my tumblr a long time ago as well. i think that i would love to get a tattoo like thi, but not that big, i would never be able to wear a dress and look sophisticated when i wore it because i would have this big honking tattoo on my leg!!!! but other than that i really like the design and the light and shading of it, it really looks like this girl carved holes into her leg! :D. so, the other 3D tattoo that i really like is the one with this spider on that guys back, and when you first look at the picture you do a double take because it looks so realistic!!!! man this guy must really like spiders if he had this tattoo put on his back!!!but heven though i despise spiders, i really like the art of this tattoo, it looks like that spider is going to stand up and crawl up the guys head any minute now!!!!ok, so this next picture looks like mayan art, or some kind of tribal art, i think. but it looks so realistic its CRAZY!!! i envy the artists that did this.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
glee cast red carpet walk

there are nice teachers, mean teachers, unfair teachers, awesome teachers, and then there is teachers that really just get on your nerves. so over the past 10 years, i have known many different kinds of teachers, and i think that now can give a fair evaluation of the teachers that i have. i am not going to say any names, and im not going to tell you about the teachers. well today i have dealt with a fun teacher, a boring teacher, a annoying teacher, an ok teacher, a nice/ funny teacher, and another ok teacher.
Monday, February 4, 2013
really cute outfits
ok, so for this blog i am going to put together really cute outfits, so i will find different things from different places. and so i am going to pick out a summer outfit ok so this is the winter outfit, and im not talking about like cold snow winter, i just mean like a little brisk wind winter, not Antarctica ok so this outfit has brown shoes, black shoes, grey shoes, and whitish grey shoes, it doesn't really matter which one you wear, it will all look nice. then you have semi faded DARK BLUE jeans, not the light colored blue jeans, light colors go mostly for summer. then you have the long sleeve sweater and a white tank top underneath. you can also wear a scarf or a hat with this. you could curl your hair too, i recommend curly.
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